Jackie Darling Talks Us Through Her Journey of Faith, Gardening and Art
Updated: Aug 20, 2021
Meet Jackie Darling, of DeLawdnme.com. A woman of faith, Jackie Darling is a mother, wife, friend, sister, aunt, and daughter. Using clay as a medium, she creates sculptures that instill inspiration, comfort, and evoke memories of old family traditions. Her creations are centered on faith, and she is especially fond of capturing elderly people. Jackie's art captures the grace and peace that are essential to lives well lived and crowns well deserved.

“Throughout the earth I give you all plants that bear seed, and every tree that bear fruit with seed; they shall be yours for food.” – Genesis 1:29
Her gallery features many art pieces worth seeing. A new garden collection will be available in her online store in October of 2021. You can message her on Facebook to be notified when it launches.
On connecting gardening to faith through art:
“At first glance, gardening and creative doll artistry seem to have no connection. However, from an artistic perspective, simple clay is the perfect medium for capturing glimpses of laborers lovingly joining in ‘God’s botanical birthing process’ of coaxing seed from soil.”
“As implied by this verse, we are responsible for taking care of the seed under our care and protection:
Throughout the earth I give you all plants that bear seed, and every tree that bear fruit with seed; they shall be yours for food. – Genesis 1:29
“My ever-evolving and maturing garden mirrors a much larger and infinite universe that I am blessed to be a part of. Whether I am a gardener or gatekeeper, I must dedicate time, energy, patience, and fortitude to ensure the seeds’ safe passage through the soil’s terrain of disease and pestilence. Taking care of each plant nurtures us in turn, enabling us to persevere for the plant's growth and well-being. In serving, we are, in turn, enriched by their sweet harvest.”

“While gardening has challenges and disappointments, there is a reward of peace and closeness to my Creator that I haven’t experienced in any other activity. These feelings of purpose and supernatural peace transcend any worldly counterpart.”
I feel blessed to be a caretaker of the seed He has provided and an artisan of clay whose pieces reflect life’s joyous moments for those of us called to sing in the soil.
On her art and working in clay:
Jackie enjoys creating clay-mixed medium dolls that depict (in clay-mixed medium) moments of a gardener or farmer's journey through the tending and harvesting of their crops.

“With the clay,” she says, “I immortalize a moment of thanksgiving despite the heat of the summer, a simple smile of achievement and gratitude for the harvest gained; whether it be large or small…”
“Artisan clay is like the earth or soil, which must also be shaped to be malleable for the impending seed. The artisan dolls of laborers in His garden provide unique nourishment that feeds soul, spirit, and heart.”
On favorite pieces:
Jackie’s dedication to capturing sincere moments of thanksgiving is evident in the sculpture of Mr. Samuel. He thanks God for a harvest of exemplary sweet potatoes that will nourish many souls and bodies.

“The farmer's face exudes gratitude and awe at this miraculous display of harvest evident in the travels of a seed potato in the soil,” she explains. “In the words of my Father, ‘God is a wonder’. He has blessed me to be a caretaker of seeds and an artist of clay, crafting pieces that reflect the joy of gardening.’’
Leave a comment or two about your journey while singing in the soil. I look forward to responding to your adventures. Blessings.

Thank you for featuring Jackie's work. Her hands are truly anointed and the end results are the most amazing sculptures. She is truly blessing us all with her beautiful art.
I have been so blessed by Jackie's creativity, giftedness. It was Esther that started our friendship, i was so touched and moved by not only the immense details in her work but the story in her face etc, that draws you into the piece. I'm so glad you have done an article honoring her work and what God is doing in her as an artist and very special person that she is! Love you dear friend!
I love how your sculptures tell a story every detail is intentional and beautifully done.
Your love of God and all he has provided is clear and present in your work. God is at the heart and center of every piece.
I love it when an artist takes the time to tell their story, Your story reminds me how important it is to take care of what God has given us and to be thankful no matter what is happening around us.
I absolutely love Jackie's work! I bought the piece Mr Samuel. It is spectacular! The details and lifelike features truly amaze me. The picture doesn't even do it justice. I purchased it for my daughter who had seen it, and fell in love with Mr Samuel. My daughter works so hard as a RN, especially during the pandemic. She loves to garden and I am pretty sure it is her favorite gift of all . I wanted to bless her with him for her birthday. I highly recommend any piece from Jackie and will certainly buy again!